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Photo An Hour

I recently ran across this idea while reading one of the blogs I follow and thought it was a really good idea and decided to copy :)  Hope she doesn't mind!!  This is a typical Saturday for the Webbs!

9am - this is how I get ready every morning...with Ally at my feet giving me those sad puppy dog eyes because she hates it when I leave her :-(    she didn't know she was going to get to go with us this morning!!

10am - Starting our day off right with a McDonald's Egg McMuffin....our favorite healthy breakfast from there.  Well, this is the ONLY healthy breakfast from there...besides the yogurt parfaits which those are pretty amazing too!

11am - At the drive-thru car wash we go to, they hand out suckers :)  David - clean your nails!!  He's such a hard worker...I think he needs a manicure! haha

12 pm - He also needs some MANNERS!!!  He swears I make him nauseous when I drive.  RUDE!!!

1pm - Ally having fun at the dog park!  She LOVES it there and always makes lots of doggy friends.  

2pm - It doesn't matter how cold it is outside (not that it was cold out today) - the first things she does when she gets to the park is run and jump in the water.  So by the time we leave, she is GROSS!! Luckily, there is a dog wash down the road and one of her favorite things is getting a bath!

3pm - She was exhausted when we got back home.  This is her last nap on the couch - we usually don't let her get on the furniture but we've been weak lately.  We must. stay. strong!!!

4pm - Lunch at McAlisters...our favorite deli restaurant.  I deeply apologize for this no makeup picture!!  :-/

5pm - I have NEVER worn MAC Makeup before (gasp...I know) and I was out of foundation so I decided to try it out.  I went into the mall completely bare-faced (see above...yuck!) and they did a much needed makeover...thank you Starla @ the MAC counter!!  She was awesome.  I want to be her friend.  Seriously!!  And then have her do my makeup every morning!!  More on what I bought here!  

6pm - My makeup is STILL going strong - it was all from their ProLong Office Hours Collection...Love it!!  I HAD to do a pouty face with the lip gloss I really really really wish I would've bought!!!


  1. Sounds like a fun day!! :) That makeup looks so awesome on you! I've never tried MAC either but have always wanted to go in and let them fix my face up. haha.

  2. Great idea! I love your makeup!


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