As many of you probably already know, I'm addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. I've blogged about this problem many times. Here , here , here , and here . I can't even count how many times I've "quit" ddp. Way too many times. They are like my cigarette, my drug of choice, my nemesis, my guilty pleasure. I know how bad they are for me...I even had a patient tell me how bad they are and that I need to quit drinking them...but there are other "bad" things including the sun, too much television, plastic bottles, styrofoam, standing too close to the microwave, etc. So, to quit ddp...I say bump that. I will probably never give it up completely. It just ain't gonna happen. And to say that I will quit is being unrealistic and I'm setting myself up for failure. Especially on Mondays like today when I just can't wake up and snap out of it. I guess I could start drinking coffee. So instead of giving it up col...
Lifestyle blog about wifing, momming, and living.